Real Estate Tax Collector

Real Estate Taxes Only
David Pringle

Phone: (724) 342-7748

Address: Shenango Township Tax Collector

PO Box 556

West Middlesex, PA 16159


2024 Office Hours are 1:00 PM-4:00 PM at the Shenango Township Municipal Building located at 3439 Hubbard-Middlesex Road on the following dates or call for an appointment.

March 6, 13, 20, 27

April 3, 10, 17, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30

August 7, 14, 21, 28

September 4, 11, 16-18, 25-27, 30

All current year tax payments must be made payable to : SHENANGO TOWNSHIP TAX COLLECTOR can be paid at the Shenango Township Municipal Building during office hours listed, by appointment or can be mailed to the Tax Collector. Payments by mail are preferredNo payments are accepted at the residence. 

Please note: if you are using Bill Pay through a bank or other company, the check is usually dated 3-5 business days after you key it in. If the check is dated after the due date, it will be returned. Please take this into consideration if using a Bill Pay service.

If you want a receipt, you must enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope and send both copies of the County/Local tax bill(s). The same procedure should be followed for the School tax bills, however, if you choose the installment payments for the school tax, you can send a self-addressed, stamped envelope with the FINAL payment and a receipt will be sent for all payments made year -to-date.

If you need a prior year receipt to file for income tax purposes or a rebate from the Commonwealth of Pennsyvania you can send a self-addressed stamped envelope to the Tax Collector and a receipt for all tax payments for the prior year will be mailed back or you can email a request and the receipt will be emailed back.

County/Local tax bill are mailed our March 1st; WM School tax bills are mailed out August 1st. If you did not receive your tax bills two weeks after they mailed, please contact the Tax Collector for a copy of the bill(s).

To inquire or pay prior year (delinquent) tax bills, you must contact the Tax Claim Bureau at (724) 662-3800, ext. 2228, 2229, 2232, or 2233.

Berkheimer collects Per Capita and Wage taxes; any questions regarding Per Capita or Wage taxes should be directed to them. Berkheimer also has a representative at the Hermitage Municipal Building. The Berkheimer website is :